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Code of Conduct

Basic access policy for maker space

Adapted with thanks from the policies from Fat Cat Fab Lab and others

We encourage all Members to help clarify and evolve our operating rules and policies and digital systems. Many situations arise for which we may not have written rules. The Board may act to enforce rules, make judgement calls, or whatever else is needed to maintain a safe, functional space, and further the collective efforts of the lab members at large. Our Community CODE Maker space is dedicated to making, ideas, and community. Fostering a strong and vibrant making community in CODE takes effort from everyone. While collaborating in the shared physical and digital spaces, it is important to be respectful and considerate of others and how our actions might impact them.

Respecting The Space

Tools and Materials

Some of the materials that may be in the Maker Space are actually owned by other members and are not for public use. Please check before using any materials that you have not supplied yourself.

Cleanliness & Organization

Clean, Maintain, Organize, Improve. The rule at Maker Space is to “leave it better than you found it”.

When entering a workspace…

We suggest:

When you are done working… (after each session - maximum 1 day - no mess left overnight) ** You must: **

Before leaving Maker Space…

** You should: **

Project Storage and Personal Items

The goal of the maker space is to make plenty of room for working on active projects while keeping it clear of inactive projects and materials. Extended inactivity and leaving projects and materials in the maker space and work areas can be detrimental to our mission and prevent others from using the space. If you plan to be gone for an extended period of time, please arrange to pick up your project and materials beforehand. Projects must not be stored in the makerspace but you can request a locker space on campus.

### Respecting Each Other We are all here to make things and learn. Collaboration is important.

Feedback is a gift: Please be open to constructive feedback from fellow members, especially when it pertains to safe use of our equipment or disrespectful communications or behaviour.

Harassment Policy

CODE is dedicated to providing a harassment-free environment for everyone. CODE prohibits harassment against any individual on its premises, at CODE hosted events, and in the digital spaces used by CODE members and guests, including but not limited to Slack and email communications. Please see the main code of conduct policy at CODE if you have any questions

Slack, Email, and Digital Spaces

*Code of Conduct applies to all CODE digital spaces including but not limited to: Slack, email, our Wiki, Instagram, etc.

Maker Space safety and security


CODE MakerSpace successful operation relies on the values of stewardship of the space by its Members. Every Member is expected to know and follow the Rules and Policies and be a positive contributor to our community. In cases when these Rules and Policies are not followed by a Member, we have the following enforcement and consequences procedure in place.

Strike Policy

Temporary Suspension Policy

During a temporary suspension the Member will:

Orientation and Responsibilities

Welcome to CODE MakerSpace! We’re glad you’re with us! Please read this page carefully and complete the checkbox items to finish onboarding at MakerSpace. It contains useful information to help get you started in the lab and community!

Digital Channels

Expectations for you as a member

What responsibilities do I have as a makerspace Member? Taking care of the Space Looks like:

How do I ask for help with my project

Asking for help on your project : If you’re unsure of how to get started helping or have questions, reach out in Slack, and someone will help out

Please be mindful of electricity use in the Lab and turn off equipment before leaving. Turn off lights in spaces that are not being used and ensure that all non-security lights are off if you are the last one to leave the building. In the summer months, turn off the AC if you’re the last person in the Lab, and make sure the windows are closed when the AC is on. Please take care and switch off tools like soldering irons, and 3D printers when not in use.

Be respectful of all private and shared property in the Lab. Please read our Code of Conduct to familiarise yourself with our policies.